You are a cute little bundle,
aren't you?
You do realize she did a doodle.
Yes, you did.
Would you like me to
give you a hand in changing her?
No. No, no, no, I can do it.
I-I-I'm used to it. I'm used to it.
Well, thanks a lot, Mrs Hathaway.
We gotta go now. All right?
So, uh, so we're gonna say bye-bye now.
- All right? Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
- Bye-bye. Bye-bye, Mary.
- Bye-bye. Bye. Bye-bye. Okay, bye.
- Little child.
Of course, if you ever need
anyone to babysit--
All right. Yeah? All right.
Thanks. Thanks a lot.
- Mr Mitchell, she's a lovely baby.
- Yeah, adorable.
Where the hell have you been?
This baby hasn't stopped crying
since you left, and she did a doodle.
''Doodle''? What the hell's that?
No, don't tell me. I don't want to know.
Oh, you're gonna know, pal, 'cause
she did it. What's with all the bags?
I had to go to three different places to
buy four different kinds of formula...
two different kinds of diapers,
bottles, towels, nipples.
You have no idea
how much crap these kids need.
- How old is she, anyway?
- How should I know? You want me
to check her driver's licence?
- Feel her teeth.
- What?
-Just feel her teeth.
Pálpale las encías.
Así es como se sabe su edad.
Känn efter om hon har tänder.
Det visar hur qammal hon är.
Vauvan iän voi päätellä
koettelemalla sen hampaita.
The druggist said that you can tell
how old she is by feeling her teeth.
No voy a palpar nada, hazlo tú.
Gör det själv, och nu får du hålla henne.
Well, I'm not feeling her teeth!
You feel her teeth!
I'm tired of holding her, anyway! Here!
Koettele itse.
En jaksa enää kanniskella sitä!
No! Uh, no, I can't hold her and,
and make her bottle at the same time.
No puedo sostenerla
y mirarle las encías.
Nej, inte när jaq qör hennes flaska.
- Minun pitää lämmittää pullo.
- Koettele sinä sen hampaita.
All right, I'll hold her,
you check for the teeth, okay?
Yo la sujeto y tú le miras.
Jaq håller henne, så känner du efter
om hon har tänder.
- Come on!
- All right.
Kom iqen!
Koeta nyt!
- I can't feel anything.
- What do you think that means?
No noto nada,
no tiene dientes.
En tunne mitään.
Sillä ei ole hampaita.
Jaq kan inte känna nåqra tänder,
så hon har inqa.
- It means she doesn't
have any damn teeth!
- Well, neither did Gabby Hayes,
and he was 90! So what?
¡Gabby Hayes tampoco
y tenía 90 años!
Gabby Hayes hade inqa heller
och han var 90 år!
Ei ollut Gabby Hayesilläkään.
Hän oli 90!
All right, then we'll give her
the stuff for newborns,
hope she's not allergic to it.
Bueno, esperemos que no sea
alérgica a la lata de recién nacidos.
Vi qer henne mat för nyfödda
och hoppas att hon inte är allerqisk.
Annetaan sille vastasyntyneiden
ruokaa. Mikä täällä lemuaa?
You have no idea how much stuff
these kids can be allergic to.
What's that stench?
¡Qué peste!
Vad är det som stinker?
Michael, hold her.
Just hold her. That's it.
Pidä vauva paikallaan.Juuri noin.
Sujétala, Michael.
Håll i henne, Michael.
- Wait a minute. Peter, this is a girl.
Should we be doing this?
- Michael, just hold her, will ya,
so I can get the diaper off.
- Es una chica, no deberíamos.
- Sujétala mientras le saco el pañal.
- Det är en flicka, ska vi qöra det?
- Håll henne, så jaq kan ta av blöjan.
- Voimmeko tehdä näin tytölle?
- Pitele nyt vain sitä.
- Ohh!
- Ohh!
¿Cómo puede salir tanta caca
de algo tan pequeño?
Hur kan nåt så litet
åstadkomma nåt så äckliqt?
How can something so small create
so much of something so disgusting?
Miten noin pienestä
voi tulla jotain noin karseaa?
Oh, God. Beats the shit out of me.
All right, hand me the other diaper.
There, take--
Ni puta idea.
Pásame el otro pañal.
Inqen aninq.
Ge miq den andra blöjan.
Hitostako minä tiedän.
Anna se toinen vaippa.
- Eikö se pitäisi pestä ensin?
- Sen ehtii sitten. Anna pumpulia.
- ¿La limpiamos primero?
- Después. Dame algodón.
- Wait a minute.
Shouldn't we wash her first?
- Uh, we'll wash her later.
- Ska vi inte tvätta henne?
- Det qör vi senare. Ge miq bomullen.