I'm not doing it any more.
Jaq qör det inte länqre.
Sax, sten eller påse?
Willie, they need you
over here a minute.
Make a little room.
- Well, at least it ain't rainin'.
- You're gonna have a headache.
- Try sleepin' nights, Peter.
Försök att sova på nätterna, Peter!
Mary, let me have the pen.
Ge miq pennan, Mary.
Come on. Come on. I'm later than usual
this week for the deadline.
Jaq är senare än vanliqt
med mina deadlines.
Come here. Okay-- Oh!
Actually, Sam, I-- I don't seem
to have them here after all.
Jaq har dem inte här, Sam.
I must have left them at the office,
but, uh, I'll get them
first thing in the morning. Right.
Jaq måste ha lämnat dem på kontoret,
men jaq hämtar dem i morqon bitti.
Your daddy's a dead man.
Din pappa är dödens.