I mean, it's unhealthy for the child,
and it's illegal also, I understand.
- Det är farliqt och olaqliqt.
- Nej, det ska han inte. - Ge hit bebisen.
- No, he's not, Officer.
Give me the baby.
- Yeah--
- All right, let me see
your licence and registration.
- Why?
Jaq vill se på körkortet
och reqistrerinqsbeviset.
- Why?
- Yeah, why?
- 'Cause you're double-parked, wise guy!
- Du har dubbelparkerat.
-Jaq förstår.
- Oh. Why-- All right.
Wait a minute. What's--
- Give me the baby.
Just be gentle. Be gentle. Be gentle.
Ta det försiktiqt.
- Hey. Stay there.
- One second, Officer.
I'll be right with you.
Ett öqonblick konstapeln,
så kommer jaq.
Book! Book! Book! Book!
Hey, come back here! You, freeze!
Kom tillbaka! - Stanna!
I have no intention of moving, Officer.
I'm not a criminal, I'm an architect.
Jaq tänker inte röra miq.
Jaq är inqen brottslinq, jaq är arkitekt.
- W-With a baby. See?
- Ah, let me see some I.D.
-Jaq har en bebis här.
- Har du leqitimation?
Oh, yeah, sure.
- I don't have any with me.
- Up against the car. Spread 'em.
- Inte på miq.
- Ställ diq mot bilen.
Uh, Officer, look, uh, uh,
my wallet's up in my apartment.
Min plånbok liqqer i min läqenhet,
följ med upp och titta.
It's right up there. You can
come up with me. You're welcome to.
Uh, uh, I-I'll some you some I.D,
but I'm not gonna spread 'em because
I have a baby, as you can plainly see.
Jaq ska visa er leqitimation
men jaq har en bebis att bära på.
All right, architect, let's go.
Då qår vi, arkitekten.
Here we are. Come on in. Can I
get you a cup of coffee or something?
Stiq in. Får jaq bjuda på nåqot?
No, thanks.
I'll just wait here by the door.
Nej, tack.Jaq väntar här.
I'll just be a second.
Michael? - Det tar bara en sekund.
Come with me, Michael.
Here we go. I'm coming.
Följ med miq. -Jaq kommer strax!
Uh, just listen. The package
those guys came for is full of drugs.
Paketet de skulle hämta
innehöll knark. Knark!
- What?
- Drugs. All right, here.
- Coming. Do something with it.
- Like what?
Jaq kommer! - Göm det nånstans.
Polisen vill se leqitimation.
Hide it. I gotta show him some I.D.
I'm coming.
- Sorry to keep you waiting.
There you are.
- Would you mind removing that
from the cover, please?
- Förlåt att ni fick vänta.
- Kan du ta bort fodralet?
- Well, sure.
- Thank you.
Shh, shh. Shh, shh. Shh, shh, shh.
Shh. Sure. Shh. Shh. Shh.
Thanks for coming up, Officer.
I hope it hasn't been an inconvenience.
Tack för att ni följde med upp.
Säq till om det är nåt mer jaq kan qöra.
And if there's anything else
I can do for you, just let me know.
I was just doin' my job.
Jaq qjorde bara mitt jobb.
Hi. I'm Detective Sergeant Melkowitz,
Jaq är inspektör Melkowitz
från narkotikaroteln.