Officer, you can go down
and saddle up now.
Ni kan qå ned och sadla på.
Jaq tar över.
- Yes, sir.
- I'll handle this.
Aren't you gonna ask me in?
Ska ni inte be miq stiqa in?
Can I, uh, get you a cup of coffee,
some water, a beer?
Fårjag bjuda på en kopp kaffe,
vatten, en öl...?
No, no. No, thanks, I'm fine.
Nej, tack. Det är bra.
- You don't mind me asking
a few questions, do you?
- No, not at all.
Har ni nåt emot
att jaq ställer nåqra fråqor?
- Is that your baby
I saw you with downstairs?
- No.
Uh, well, um, it's my roommate Jack's.
Well, who were those two men
I saw you talking to?
Vilka var männen ni talade med?
Friends. Of the mother's.
They were gonna take her for a ride.
Vänner? Till mamman.
De skulle ta en åktur.
The baby! Baby. Not the mother.
Barnet! Inte mamman.
But they couldn't, see,
because they brought the wrong car.
There's no baby seat.
Men det qick inte,
för bilen saknade bilbarnstol.
Well, do you mind if I have a look at
that baby? I just love little babies.
Kan jaq få se på bebisen?
Jaq älskar barn.
She's sleeping.
Hon sover.
Sounds like she's awake to me.
Do you mind if I see her?
Hon har visst vaknat.
Får jaq se på henne?
I don't know. You know,
she doesn't really like strangers.
Hon är inte så förtjust i främlinqar.
- She may not be decent.
- Oh, I don't think she'll mind.
- Hon kanske inte är klädd.
- Hon bryr siq noq inte.
Well, there she is.
And she's got a friend.
Där är hon ju!
- Och hon har en vän.
- Det är min andra rumskamrat.
Oh, yeah,
this is my, uh, other roommate.
Uh, Detective Melkowitz,
this is Michael Kellam.
Inspektör Melkowitz,
det här är Michael Kellam.
- Hello.
- Oh, what a cutie.
Vilken sötnos! Får jaq hålla henne?
Jaq älskar barn.
Do you mind if I hold her?
I just love kids.
Well, I'd rather not, actually.
She's, um--
- Helst inte, hon är...
- Det kan inte skada.
- Go ahead, Michael. It won't hurt her.
- Uh, well, you know how she is
around people, Peter. She's so--
Du vet hur hon är med främlinqar...
Michael, will you let him hold her.
He's not gonna hurt her.
He's a police officer.
Låt honom hålla henne.
Han skadar henne inte. Han är polis.
- All right.
- Oh.
- Yeah.
Oh. Oh.
You're a heavy little girl,
aren't you?
Det var en tunq liten flicka.
Yes. Yes, she really is heavy,
isn't she?
- Visst är hon tunq?
- Hon har qod aptit.
- She's a good eater.
- Yeah. That's a good sign.