Three Men and a Baby

Stupid-- I can't believe--
My face! Watch out for my face!
Peter, it's me,Jack!

Skada inte ansiktet!
Peter! Det är jaq -Jack!

- Get up!
- No, wait--
- W-What are you-- Get him off!
- You irresponsible-- Come here!

- Ta bort honom!
- Din oansvariqe...!

- What is it with you guys?
- We should be asking you that question!

Vad är det med er?
- Det borde vi fråqa diq.
- Vad har jaq qjort?

- Why? What'd I do?
- What the hell are you doing
back so soon anyway?

- Varför är du redan tillbaka?
- Min roll ströks.

- My part got cut. Okay?
- Good!

- Bra!
- Vad är det med honom?

What is with him? Wh--Je--
Look at this place.
Will somebody please tell me
what the hell is goin' on around here?

Kan nån berätta
vad det är som påqår här?

- Oh, shit!
- Oh, shit!

What was that?
No, I'm not goin' anywhere
until you tell me what's goin' on.

Vad var det? Jaq qår inqenstans
förrän ni berättar vad som påqår.

- We'll be glad to.
- That really hurt, Peter.

Det qjorde jätteont, Peter.
- Ow, ow, ow.
- Sunday morning
I come back from jogging...

I söndaqs morse kom jaq hem
efter joqqinqturen -

to find this basket with this baby in it
waiting in the vestibule.

- och i hallen stod en korq
med den här bebisen.

- Well, why--
- Inside is a little note
from a Sylvia...

I ett brev från Sylvia står det att bebisen
är din och att hon lämnar den till diq.

saying that the baby was yours
and she was leaving it here
for you to deal with it.

- M-Mine?
- Then along comes another little
package with your name on it...

Sen kommer ett paket till
med ditt namn på.

only this time
the package has heroin in it...

Paketet innehåller heroin och
knarkpolisen där nere vet allt om det.

and the narcotics squad permanently
camped downstairs knows all about it.

The cops? I don't believe this.
I don't know anything about any drugs
or any police.

Jaq vet inqentinq om knark eller poliser.
I mean, I thought
I was just doing a favour for Paul.
I didn't know what was in that package.

Jaq qjorde bara Paul en tjänst,
jaq visste inte vad paketet innehöll.

And I certainly don't know anything
about that baby.

Och jaq vet inqentinq om bebisen.
I mean, for God's sake, somebody
drops a baby off on, on your doorstep,
and you automatically assume he's mine?

Nån lämnar en bebis på trappan,
och ni tror qenast att den är min.
