Wall Street

** ln other words
** ln other words
** l love...
Good morning. Jackson Steinem.
** You
- How you doing, Buddy?
- Great, Carolyn.

Doing any better would be a sin.
Morning, Dan. What's looking good today?
lf l knew, l wouldn't be in this business.
Get out while you're young.

l came here one day, l sat down,
and look at me now.

Look at you now.
Morning, Brian.
- Chuckie! How's the woman slayer?
- Looking for an 18-year-old wife.

- How you doing, pal?
- Well, if l had your looks, better.

Takes years of genetics,
a Yale education and the right tailor.

Not that you learned anything, Chunk.
Marv, l got a feeling that we
are gonna make a killing today.

Yeah? Where's your machine gun?
You can't make a buck in this market.
The country's going to hell faster
than when Roosevelt was in charge!

Too much cheap money
sloshing around the world.

Worst mistake we ever made was
letting Nixon get off the gold standard.

Putney Drug - you boys
might wanna look at it.

- No. They'll take five years to come around.
- But they got a good new drug.

Stick to the fundamentals.
That's how lBM and Hilton were built.

Good things sometimes take time.
(PA) Look sharp, especially you rookies.
Nikkei lndex closed up 90 points last night.

We expect heavy Japanese buying
on the opening.

The firm has 200,000 steel for sale.
A million Big Blue. 350,000 pork and beans.

Get on the horn with your institutions.
These utilities are our top priority today.

- OK. Let's go to work.
- And they're off and running!
