September 50s? How about Decembers?
Mr Zaros? Bud Fox, Jackson Steinem.
Yes, sir, l am aware of that.
But if l could have five minutes
to explain the opportunities emerging...
..in the international debt market.
No, no...
Bud Fox, Jackson Steinem.
Yes, l am aware of this. But if l could just
explain the opportunities emerging...
- ..in the international debt market...
- (line disconnects)
l'm sure that...
Yesterday concerns my future.
l need the info now, before the close.
No, in ten minutes it's history.
At four l'm a dinosaur!
Howard, l thought you were a gentleman.
Sure it's gone down. You got the tip. l didn't.
- Why would l tell you to sell it?
- Give it back!
To who? l can't give it back - you own it!
No, he's not here.
- (whispers) That's what you told us to say.
- Gimme that phone.
- Hello?
- Hello.
- Who am l talking to?
- The sales manager. What's the problem?
What? Will you gimme a break? How was
l supposed to know you were in surgery?
What am l - Marvin the Mindreader?!
Uh, no, sir. l'll discuss that with the
account executive, and l'll get back to you.
No, no, sir. You're welcome.
l'm closing the account.
lf he doesn't pay tomorrow, you pay.
Mr Lynch, l swear to you, he's lying.
We give you a rich man's account,...
..and you tell me he's gonna DK you
for a lousy quarter point?
You're being unfair, sir.
You know he's got a history for bullshit.
Somebody's got to pay.
Ain't gonna be me.
Buddy, Buddy.
A little trouble, huh, today, Buddy?
Howard the jerk reneged on me. l gotta
cover his losses to the tune of seven grand.
Yeah! l'm holding!
l'm tapped out. American Express
got a hit man looking for me.
lt coulda been worse, right?
Coulda been my money.