(** computer plays "Happy Birthday")
Morning, Gordon.
Delivery for Mr Gekko. lt's a personal item.
He needs you to sign for it.
Send him in.
Hello, Natalie. Recognise the voice? Here's
a hint - you're thinking about marrying me.
- Why are you here?
- You're lovelier than l pictured.
- Got a birthday present for Mr Gekko.
- You can't come barging in here.
- What makes you think it's his birthday?
- Well, it's in the bible, see?
You better go buy him a gift.
Please, Natalie, let me give this to him.
Cuban cigars. His favourite and tough to get.
Please, Natalie?
Stay here. l'll see what l can do.
Wait outside.
Yeah, l'll see you shortly, l hope.
Five minutes.
Well, life all comes down to a few moments.