So... where are we going?
Wherever you like.
Lutéce. 21. The River Café.
Or maybe we could just...
..drive around for a while.
Work up an appetite.
Want some?
Gordon tells me that
you're a very talented broker.
What do you like?
Like? (clears throat) Well...
l've got this guy who tells me
to buy Hewlett-Packard,...
..but l've been burned on tips.
Uh... Hewlett.
Now, let's see. lt closed at 41 1/4.
Up an eighth. Very attractive.
About, uh... average yield.
- Very attractive.
- Mmm...
- Rising profits.
- Ooh!
Strong balance sheet.
You're hot on this stock.
Uh... lt's ready to take off.
l'd jump all over it if l were you.
- Good morning, Carolyn.
- Morning. You look happy.
- Any better and l'd be guilty.
- You were never innocent, sugar pie.
How do you know? You wish!