Wall Street

Excuse me! ls Mr Wildman
on board that plane?

Shit! My boss is gonna kill me!
l'm supposed to give him this.

- You know where that plane is going?
- Erie, Pennsylvania.

Thank you.
After spending the morning at Kahn
Seidelman in the junk-bond department,...

..he had lunch at that restaurant, Le Circus,
with some well-dressed bean counters.

He later stopped off at Morgan. l'd say
from all the smiling and palm-pressing...

..Larry got himself some
nice fat financing, GG.

Bright, but not bright enough, Sherlock.
Roll the dice and play Monopoly.

What box is Sir Larry gonna
land on in Erie, Pennsylvania?

Jesus Christ! He's buying Anacott Steel.
OK. When the market opens tomorrow,
l want you to buy 1500 July 50 calls.

- You hear me?
- Yes, sir.

And start buying 1,000-share blocks
and take it up to $50.

When it reaches 50,
give out a little taste to your friends.

Then l want you to call
the Wall Street Chronicle, extension 1605.

You tell the man
"Blue Horseshoe loves Anacott Steel".

- You got that?
- The Wall Street Chronicle.

Congratulations, Buddy.
You scored. l'll talk at ya.

Start buying Anacott Steel across the board.
Use the offshore accounts.
And keep it quiet.
Frank, 10,000 ANC at 46. Let me know
how the options are opening, OK?

Thank you.
