Wall Street

My wife tells me you made a move on Darien.
Here's some inside info for you.
That GQ type she's going out with
got big bucks,...

..but he's putting her feet to sleep.
Exit visas are imminent.
l don't want you losing your place in line.
Ah, Jesus!
l wish you could see this.
The light's coming up.
l've never seen a painting that
captures the beauty of the ocean...

..at a moment like this.
l'm gonna make you rich, Bud Fox.
Yeah. Rich enough
that you can afford a girl like Darien.

This is your wake-up call, pal.
Go to work.
- Fox!
- Mr Barnes.

Buddy D, is this déjâ vu?
What's it been? A year, year and a half?

So, l hear you're moving up in the world.
A senior associate. Not bad. Not bad.
How's Margie?

l can't complain.
l got a house in Oyster Bay, you know.

Market treating you good?
- Still seeing that sexy French chick?
- No. No. She asked the wrong question.

- What was that?
- "What are you thinking?"

The hours are hell, but the cash
is starting to tumble in.

l know this guy who has an ironclad way
of making money. l can't lose or get hurt.

Can't get hurt. So does this guy
have a tip for an honest lawyer?

Maybe. Check out Teldar Paper,...
..but don't quote me.
And you? l hear you're handling the Fairchild
Foods merger, and it may not go through.
