Young men, this is the first time I'm
hearing that you and my daughter had sex
although now that I've been made aware,
I'm tempted to bring her home
just so I can ship her off again.
That little slut!
How dare you?
Tell me where she is!
So you can fly down to Mexico
and spring her from casa reforma?
I love her.
You stuck your penis in her.
That's not love, believe me.
If you didn't know about us,
then why is she in Mexico?
That's a private family matter.
I am her family.
God! Poor thing.
Do you really think
that my daughter had deep
romantic feelings for you?
Is that what you think?
Now, I'm sure that you were a
fun and sweety perversion for her,
but the truth is Quinn had a day and a half
to get all of her ducks in
a row before going to Mexico.
And she didn't call you.
She didn't write or IM or
e-mail you either, did she?
But I'll tell you what she did do.
She downloaded 2000 songs into her i-pod
and dyed her hair pink with black on the tips.
Because all that Quinn cares about
is Quinn.
She takes after her father that way.
Poor schmuck!
Oh you poor schmuck, you just played wrong.
That's a boat! Ah ah! Mark that!
So wait, a boat is when
the four ends add up to 20?
A boat is when I spank this boy's black ass
for thinking he hold up with
his three switching bitches.
Three switching bitches?
That's 15 and a boat is 20.
Stop fucking with her, she's
trying to learn the game.
Then log off a hot agent chick
suck-ass and you teach her.
I'm betting for rims on ebay.
Just like a nigga to buy new Rolls Royce
bucket before he's even got a steering wheel.
You can kiss my ass.
I just put a steering wheel in there 2 days ago.