Have some tea.
lt's nice.
Have you ever drunk this?
Hangchow girls pick tender tea leaves
before Ching Ming and bring them home
nurtured with sweat inside their breast.
lt's called Breast Lung Ching.
Ever heard ofthis?
The highest quality
comes from virgins only.
So neither you nor l can pick it.
Nor can they.
Auntie, Chen-pang
and l love each other.
A girl of my background
can't expect much.
l only want to become an honest woman.
Since you're so frank,
let me be frank too.
We Chens have kept
ourselves quite alone.
He has a cousin Shu-hsien.
l wish they could get married soon.
Could start his own business.
Our ancestors now all depend on him.
We'll see ifyou should join us.
l know a girl of
your personality won't change.
Chen-pang is only 24.
l only worry he may change.
You know men well.
l'm sure he won't change either.
So much the better. l'm happy for you.
Master Wen.
Wait a minute.
Her fabric on you is not beautiful.
Fleur, want to try it on?