Theres room for that over here.
Oh, thatll be all right.
I always keep it down there.
Is this an expensive motel?
You dont have to worry.
Ive spoken to them.
You can stay as long as you need.
Therell be no charge.
Gday. Ive put you in room 34
at the end of the path.
Theres your key.
We prayed for a daughter.
He gave us a daughter.
Why would he take her away?
They should have warned us.
The signs never said.
Id have slept them all in the car
if only Id known. If only wed known.
There has to be a reason.
Theres got to be a reason.
We slept her in the tent.
I zipped it up when I put Reagan down.
I should have zipped it up when I put
her in, even if it was only for a minute.
What are we gonna tell
our parents, Michael?
They never even saw Azaria.
- Im freezing.
- You cant be freezing. The heaters on.
- What are you doing?
- Getting my sleeping bag.
- You cant do that. Its got blood on it.
- Yours has. Mine hasnt.
Im sorry, but Im freezing.
Heating or not.
Im so cold.
"(sobbing)" She was so little.