Listen to this.
(Michael) To many
this is called Ayers Rock,
but to us it will always be Azarias Rock.
- Is that you, Mr Chamberlain? Over.
- "Speaking. Over."
I was wondering whether you could take
a few photographs to run with this story.
We cant get up there to cover this,
unfortunately. Theres just no way.
You do want people to be warned
about the dangers up there? Over.
He wants me to take some photographs
for his newspaper.
You dont have to if you dont want to.
Shell never have a grave.
Nothing to remember her by.
Boys. Just stand in front of
the tent for me, will you?
Keep going, if you would. Thank you.
Mr Chamberlain, when youre ready.
We were very shocked, of course,
but at that stage we still had some hope...
Can we just do that again?
Thats OK. Ive done some journalism
myself. I think I know what you mean.
"(journalist)" OK, right. Rolling. And... go.
Well, it was shocking,
but we just held out some little hope.
But when we saw
the spots of blood on the tent,
we knew as we looked
that this was a very quick event.
And this morning, when we saw
the sharp, ripped, jagged marks
on that very thickly-woven blanket,
that this was a powerful beast
with very sharp teeth.
lt was more than a domestic dog
that did this.
OK, stop it there. It gets boring after this.
Now run this. I want to cut to her.
- That wont cut.
- Yes, it will if you wait till after the pan,
and put his last line over
to disguise the question.