A Cry in the Dark

Will you listen to me?
These people aren’t interested in facts.
I’m told there’s no trace of saliva
on the clothes. None whatsoever.

What, none?
Our experiments tell us the cuts on the
jump suit weren’t made by dingoes’ teeth.

Jesus Christ!
The forensic blokes reckon there’s
no way a dingo could have killed that kid.

Not by the state the clothes were in.
I tell you, these bloody Chamberlains!
They wouldn’t know the truth
if it bit ‘em on the arse.

- Hi. Mrs Chamberlain?
- Yes. Lindy.

Graham Charlwood.
We spoke on the phone.

Now I can put a face
to the voice. Come in.

- I see you’re packing up.
- We’re moving back to Avondale College.

- My husband’s study leave came through.
- I’m glad I dropped by.

- Gathering information for the inquest.
- It’s about time something was done.

The Northern Territory police
have been hopeless.

I’m from the Northern Territory police.
- This is my husband Michael.
- Graham Charlwood.

(woman) Feeling is high in Alice Springs
as the first sessions
of the Azaria Chamberlain inquest start.

(man) Alice Springs is
the focus of the nation’s media.

- Do you still have faith in your religion?
- Our faith has been strengthened by this.

Pastor, you believe Azaria’s death
was an act of God?

Mrs Chamberlain, is it true you felt
depressed after the birth of Azaria?

Was Azaria’s death a punishment
for travelling on your Sabbath?

Is it not the case that you wrote
some sort of thesis on dingoes at college?

"(Lindy)" It is not the case.
That’s a press invention.
