Is this the green tent?
No, thats a brown and orange tent.
The green tents under here.
- Sarge, got this?
- Yeah, well take that.
Theres another one up there.
Do you want this?
- Is the car available, Mr Chamberlain?
- Its being fixed at the lake.
Ill take you there myself.
Youd never find it.
Jesus Christ!
Whats this?
Oh, yes. Thats for public-health lectures.
To scare smokers, you know?
Why have you still got it?
Christ knows how
they fitted all this in one car.
Is this your camera bag?
Yeah, but its not the one
I had at the Rock.
Ill get it for you.
Michael. The switchboards jammed with
calls from the press. Whats happening?
- It seems theyve reopened the inquiries...
- "(helicopter overhead)"
How come the press know so soon?
- I dont talk to the press.
- This is shocking for all of us.
New evidence has come to hand on
the disappearance of Azaria Chamberlain.
Police will review all evidence
and investigations will begin anew.
Sir, does this mean
youre anticipating a second inquest?
No comment.
My mate in Darwin knows the sister of the
brother-in-law of the copper on this case.
They reckon shes covering up for her kid.
Thats why they cant break her.
Would you like to trot that past me again?
I understand they found a white baby
coffin in the house, with a Bible passage...
- For goodness sake, give it a bloody rest.
- Let me tell you what it was about.
Ive never asked you this before,
but did you kill your baby?