Well, it's better than b-buggering people.
I bet you £1 you don't kill her.
All right.
All right.
I love watching your ass when you walk.
Is that beautiful or what?
Don't go near him!
He's mine!
£1 says you won't kill her!
When could you look at it?
Let's think.
My wife's going to the opera on Friday.
I'll look at it then
and call you on Saturday.
- I really appreciate it. Thanks.
- Bye.
I know we're not allowed to talk.
Give me a call.
I can't.
We're not allowed to speak.
We don't have to.
I don't want you for your conversation.
I'd love to...
- What happened?
- Got a date, Friday.
Look here!
Do you mind
not making that terrible noise?
My dogs will be having their nap.
Nice doggy.
Nice... doggy.
Otto, what are you doing?
It's a Buddhist meditation technique.