The architect and Mr. Roger
are in the office.
I'm not sure if Jerome
mentioned it,
but I'd like to repaint the back
room. It'll be ready for Easter.
I trust you.
I'm afraid I'm late.
No problem. Working on
a new deal?
Yes, and it's going well.
What about our project?
Any problems?
The site looks ideal.
We'll build the casino
left of the road right here...
and save the pinewoods
for the hotel.
But you'll need to own all
the land up to the cape.
No problem there -
except for the Tardieu shipyard.
Leave that glass alone.
You turn yellow when you drink
and I hate yellow.
How are the talks going
with the Tardieus?
They don't want to sell. One of
the older brothers is against it
Which one?
The eldest, the one who lives
in Toulon.
He's coming in for the weekend.
You'd best talk to him yourself.
Antoine, check out that girl.
Her ass is a song.
What's up?
I have a flat.
I couldn't tell.
Oh, you're so cute.
He's adorable.