It's no excuse for her faults.
Her biggest fault is that
her parents are dead.
You seem well-informed.
Sometimes when I go
to the bookstore, we chat.
I can't wait for tonight.
You're such a romantic.
He's so handsome.
Not enough to afford
to be broke.
Better than your Rene.
Rene gives me presents.
One, two...
That's not it. You're doing
the Mambo. Let me show you.
See, like this.
Eric Carradine came to see me.
So, Mr. Tardieu, I'd like
to buy your shipyard.
Yours isn't enough?
I want to build a hotel.
All I need is your land.
We live off that shipyard.
Nobody'll take it.
Who's talking about taking?
I want to buy it.
I can give you 4 million.
4 million...
We wouldn't get very far.
You could have
a little shop...
We're not grocers.
It might not be such a bad idea.
Your business is dying.
What do you know?
You had to take another job.
That's my business.
Of course.
I need an answer within
two months. Think it over.
I have.
As you wish.
Goodbye gentlemen.
Thanks for coming down.
You coming, Christian?
Here kid. You can listen to it
at home.
Thanks, Mr. Carradine.
People like him don't scare me.
Maybe we shouldn't have come.
Hey, I scored a record.
So what?
Raise your offer.
They'll end up giving in.