Your technique is all wrong.
With women you always have to
be sure of yourself. Come on.
You're lucky. I'm free
for this dance.
Do you want to dance?
Hold this.
I can't. I have to hold the bag.
This is my favorite tune.
It's the first time
I've heard it.
Me too.
Not here...
I'll meet you at the harbor.
You seem to be having fun.
Have you ever known me not to?
It seems to be going well
with Juliette.
I'm going to have her tonight.
You don't waste any time
flirting, do you?
Girls like Juliette are good
for one night
then you forget them.
What if she's a clinger?
I'm going back to Toulon.
She'll forget.
You'll have to tell her
My boss wants me to marry
his niece.
What about her?
It's everything she wants.
Wait for me.