I beg you, Michel,
think this over carefully.
That girl is like a wild animal.
She needs to be tamed.
You're not a man yet.
Ah, there you are!
If Jeanne made up her mind
about buying that motor,
we wouldn't always be late.
Excuse us.
Don't worry. Antoine
isn't even here yet.
I thought he came in yesterday.
His boss needed him at work.
He wasn't at the town hall.
He won't come.
We three have always
stuck together.
He won't come.
He was at the bus stop.
He's coming.
Michel Tardieu, do you take
as your lawful wedded wife
Juliette Christiane Hardy
in accordance with the rites
of our Holy Church?
Juliette Hardy, do you take
as your lawful wedded husband
Michel Tardieu in accordance
with the rites
of our Holy Church?