You know, the last foreman
worries me.
The books aren't adding up.
Are you sure? You have proof?
We'll get up an hour early
to take inventory
before the crew gets in.
Good night.
Are you done? You old maid.
I forbid you to laugh.
They seem to be having fun
next door.
Your turn.
Hey, it's your turn.
They stopped talking.
They have better things to do.
Shut up.
They must have taken out
some brain matter
to make you this tall.
Don't piss me off. You won't
enjoy what you'll get.
They're the ones enjoying
themselves. My trick!
Juliette was made for you.
Your brother had to marry her
to make you realize it.
It's a little late to be angry,
Do what I do;
suffer with a smile.
Get the hell out.
Okay, but you owe me
2400 francs.
We weren't playing for money.
Now that you've lost,
you say that.
Fine. Now go away. I've seen
enough of you.
2400. Don't forget.