
-What do you think, honey?
-Delia hates it.

I could live here.
Careful! That's my sculpture.
I don't mean "my" as in "I bought it."
I mean I made it.

Put it on the table.
Ten minutes. I'm already perfectly at ease.
It's perfect.
It's Otho.
Otho, why don't you come
in the front door?

It's bad luck.
You left the city for me. I am so happy.
Of course you are.
Let's get one thing straight.
We're here to enjoy the country setting,
not to trash the place!

Charles, you're lucky
the yuppies are buying condos...

:14:58 you can afford what I'm going
to have to do to this place.

I'm here to relax and clip coupons,
and, damn it, I mean to do it.

Then go do it quietly, dear,
and let Otho and me think.

Is the rest of the house as bad as this?
Is this a punishment?
What are we going to do?
We're not completely helpless.
I've been reading that book and there's
a word for people in our situation.

Let's get this show on the road.
We're dealing with
negative entertainment potential.

There's absolutely no organic flow through.
I noticed that, too.
It's like a giant ant farm.

-I thought I saw something.

You've read my mind.
-I did?
-So few clients are able to read my mind.
