The furniture truck is coming.
We must decide what goes and what stays.
Everything goes,
along with whatever's in the attic.
Tell me what you do and I'll tell you
why my husband will fire you.
-Isn't there an index?
-No, nothing.
What's this?
Do you know where that's going?
Did anyone tell you where--
Why are there only three sculptures?
There were four sculptures.
Where's the fourth sculpture?
What are you doing?
"Betelgeuse, the bio-exorcist.
Troubled by the living?
"Is death a problem and not the solution?
Unhappy with eternity?
"Having difficulty adjusting?
Call Betelgeuse."
There's no number or instructions?
Nothing. The "bio-exorcist." I don't get it.
Straight back.
Why don't you take a break
for half an hour?
Put that down!
What the hell are you doing?
-Listen to me!
Why are you doing this to me?
This is my art and it is dangerous.
Do you think I want to die like this?