All new arrivals,
report to waiting room number eight.
125 years. I can't believe this.
I can't believe they didn't tell us.
Oh, Adam, what is this?
That's the Lost Souls' Room.
A room for ghosts
that have been exorcised.
Poor devils.
That's death for the dead.
It's all in the handbook.
Keep moving.
This is the sixth door.
Boy, this place just gets weirder
and weirder.
We're home!
Look at this place! Everything's different.
All our furniture's gone.
How long do you suppose
we were waiting there?
Three months.
I'd almost given up on you.
I was about to leave.
I do have other clients.
-Are you Juno, our caseworker?
I evaluate individual cases and determine...
...if help is needed, deserved and available.
Are you available?
-What's wrong?
-We're very unhappy.
What did you expect? You're dead!
We want to get rid of the people here.
We worked hard on this house.
We probably wouldn't mind sharing
the house with people who were--
-More like you used to be.
But these people!