- Billy.
- Yeah.
- What?
- It's me.
It's Josh.
- Coach Barnes!
- Wait, wait!
- Coach Barnes!
- Shut up! I'm your best friend.
Please, you gotta believe me.
I'll prove it to you. Billy, please!
- Help! Help!
- Goddamn it, Billy Francis Kopeche!
Look, I know I don't look like myself,
but something really strange happened.
I'm really scared and I need your help.
You're my best friend! I can prove it.
The space goes down, down, baby
Down, down the roller coaster
Sweet, sweet baby
Sweet, sweet, don't let me go
Shimmy, shimmy, go-go bop
Shimmy, shimmy, rock
Shimmy, shimmy, go-go bop
Shimmy, shimmy, rock
I met a girlfriend named Triscuit
She said a Triscuit's a biscuit
Ice-cream soda pop
Vanilla on the top
Ooh, sha-li-da
Walking down the street
Ten times a week
I meant it, I said it
I stole my momma's credit
I'm cool, I'm hot
Sock you in the stomach three more times
You look terrible.
I know.
I was in the house making
my gravy and I heard this commotion.
We're at the scene right now.
The mother's pretty hysterical.
It's not making any sense at all.
There's no ransom note,
no prints - no nothing.
- File a report, to be on the safe side.
- Shh! Quiet. Shut up!
- I bet he ran away.
- I wish I could.
You want me to pack your bags?
We go to the city,
we lay low for a couple of days.
We find the Zoltar machine, you make
a wish. You'll be home by Thursday.
- I can't go to New York without my folks.
- Come on! You'll be fine.
- Where did you get this?
- From my dad's top drawer.
- You stole it?
- It's his emergency fund.
- Jesus, Billy!
- Well, what do ya call this?