Mom! Mom...
- I told you, it's not a video game!
- Then what is it?
Well, it's not a video game.
This one has
a number on it. Does yours?
- No... Oh, wait. Here's one.
- What are you doing? What are you doing?
- Do you have Zoltar?
- No, I told you. I've got Power House...
- We need Zoltar.
- I haven't got it.
- This is it.
- They're not gonna have it.
- Can I help you?
- Yes. We would like a list...
- ..of all carnivals and fairs.
- And arcades.
Carnivals and... fairs...
Uh, try Consumer Affairs.
Down the hall - room 111.
Thank you.
Fill this out in triplicate. $5 filing charge.
- See?
- You get it in six weeks.
- Six weeks?
- Sometimes longer, but you could get lucky.
Next, please.
Fill this out.
I'm gonna be thirty years old
for the rest of my life.
Would you come on?
We'll figure something out.
By the way...
you may be older than that!
- So now what?
- I'll come and see you every day after school.
- How?
- I'll tell them I made the basketball team.
- What am I gonna do?
- You can get a job.
- I can't get a job.
- Why? What are you good at?
I don't know. Making spitballs?
- How 'bout a delivery man?
- I don't know how to drive.