No. It was the pork rinds.
Pork rinds! Argh!
- We sure had fun, didn't we?
- Yeah. Yeah, we sure did.
Booger! Booger!
Welcome to our world
Welcome to our world
Welcome to our world
Welcome to our world
Welcome to our world of toys!
Oh! Keep away from strange men.
- What's your name?
- Joey. What's yours?
- My name's Josh.
- I'm gonna blow you away, Josh.
- I just got you!
- No way! That's bullshit. Get back here!
You big dork!
You work for me, don't you?
I thought so.
What? Are you here with your kids?
- Uh, I was just looking around.
- Oh...
Me, too. I come here every Saturday.
You can't see this on a marketing report.
What's a marketing report?