- What department are you in?
- Computers.
- Computers?
- Yeah. Yeah...
You just saved me a trip to the gym, son.
According to the marketability studies, this
thing should go straight through the roof.
- Hey! Hey! Watch it, fella.
- Sorry. Sorry.
Vice president,
in charge of product development.
He's only been here a week! Vice president?
And he came from Data Processing.
He's outta his mind.
The old man has finally lost it!
- Do you know he gave him Bob's old office?
- Bob's...
Bob's office is bigger than my office!
There's gotta be a reason. Things like this
don't happen without a reason.
- If the president dies, you take over?
- No, they got a hundred of 'em. Ready?
- Yes, Mr Baskin.
- Thank you. Come on in.
Look at it! It's bigger
than the principal's office.
- How do you know?
- Remember that explosion in science?
- Oh, yeah.
- Track-a-pillar!
You know, that only costs ten bucks to make.
Get outta here!
- What is this?
- Oh, well, this... They just put this in here.
- So what do they make you do for all this?
- Well, I play with all of this stuff,...
..and then I go in and I tell 'em what I think.
- That's it?
- Yeah.