Every region of the country was sampled.
The focus testing... showed a solid base...
..in the 9- to 11-year-old bracket,...
..with a possible carry-over
into the 12-year-olds.
When you consider that
Gobots and Transformers poll...
-..37 per cent market share,...
- I'm sorry.
..and that we are targeting
the same area,...
..I think that we should see
one quarter of that.
And that is one fifth of the total revenue
from all of last year.
- Excellent, Paul.
- Thank you, thank you, thank you.
- Any questions?
- Not for me.
- Yes?
- I don't get it.
What exactly... don't you get?
It turns from a building into
a robot, right?
Well, what's fun about that?
Well, if you'd read
your industry breakdown,...
..you'd see that our success
in the action-figure area...
..has climbed from 27 per cent to 45 per cent
in the last two years.
There, that might help.
- Yes?
- I-I... I still don't get it.
- What don't you get, Josh?
- Well...
There's a million robots
that turn into something.
This is a building that turns into a robot.
What's fun about playing with that?
- This is a skyscraper.
- Well, couldn't it be, like,...
..a robot that turns into... into something -
like a... like a bug or something?
- A bug?
- Yeah.
Like a big, prehistoric insect with claws...
- ..that could pick up a car and crush it.
- In teresting.
- A prehistoric Transformer?
- In teresting!
- Gentlemen...
- The robot turns into a bug?