Everything falls here.
Telephone poles, flagpoles.
Bugs eat 'em.
Pretty soon we're all gonna go.
Never got this hot in Brooklyn.
This is like Africa hot.
Tarzan couldn't take this kinda hot.
Better get a shine on those shoes, rookie.
I think they've taken us
to a German prison camp.
Detail, halt!
You men fall out and fall in on me.
Column of twos, down here.
This platoon is assigned to this barracks.
Remain here until further instructions
from your sergeant.
You will remain on your feet. No smokin'
and no goddamn tobacco-chewin'.
At ease.
He must think we're stagecoach drivers.
Shut your ass.
These non-coms hear everything.
Perfect. It only took the army five minutes
to turn Wykowski into a robot.
Jesus, I'm dripping wet.
This place is like a steam bath.
I can't stay if it's gonna be this hot.
- I shoulda joined the navy. It's cooler.
- Navy's for homos.
I pictured the army different. I pictured
a lotta doughnuts and USO dances.
How are ya?
Good to see ya.
- Hello, soldier.
- Hello.
Hi, sarge.
Detail, attention.
Sorry, men,
perhaps I didn't make myself clear.
Detail, ten hut!
Good. Good. At ease, gentlemen.