Oh, wow. Only 2.7 of us would live.
1.7, jerko.
Listen, if you knew that you were
one of the guys who wasn't coming back,...
..if you knew that right now, what would
you do with the last few days of your life?
It could be anything, any fantasy. I give
everybody five seconds to think about it.
I've thought of it.
I'd be one of the 1.7 comin' back!
- This is morbid.
- I like it. Let's play for money.
- For money?
- Five bucks a man.
- The guy with the best fantasy wins.
- That's nuts.
OK. All right. I'm in.
- OK. We need a judge.
- I'll be the judge.
- Why you?
- Because I thought of the game.
When it's my turn somebody else
judges me. Ante up, everybody.
- Come on, Arnold. Five bucks.
- I don't sell my fantasies.
Don't be like that, Arnold.
OK. Carney.
You're first.
You're gonna be dead. Killed in action.
What do you wanna do with
the last few days of your life?
- How much time do I have to do it in?
- A week.
- I need ten days.
- It's my game. You only get a week.
What are you gonna do with it, Danny?
I'd sing at Radio City Music Hall.
Five shows a day, my own spot.
In the audience are
5,000 screamin', gorgeous giris...
..and every one of 'em wants me.
And there's one man,
the president of Decca Records,...
..and he wants to give me a big contract.
I have to make a choice.
- Take the record contract. I would.
- Yeah, right, I take the record contract.
Hah! Moron!
He could've humped 5,000 giris and now
he's got a contract that ain't worth shit!
Wrong, because now I'm a big star
and everyone knows stars get all the giris.
Oh, yeah? How? You're dead!
Giris don't go out with dead record stars!
Bullshit, it's my fantasy!
I can do whatever I want with it.
- What's my score, Gene?
- You started off with an A minus,...