Biloxi Blues

I am askin' the guilty party
to place $ 62 on this here footlocker...

..within the next 30 seconds.
I offer no lenience, no forgiveness,...

:42:10 abstention from punishment.
What I do offer is honour.

I'm countin' down to 30.
It is at this time that heroes are made.
There's $ 62, if anyone cares to count it.
I don't think that'll be necessary,
Private Epstein.

Wykowski, pick up your money.
Listen, don't count it, boy.
Do you have anything to say?
No, Sergeant.
May I ask why
you decided to return the money?

I chose to.
You chose to?
Knowing full well that swift and just
punishment may be inflicted upon you...

..when and if this is reported
to the commanding officer.

I know it only too well.
Last night at 0100 hours
I wandered through this barracks.

I saw carelessness, complacency.
Wykowski's wallet lying
in an open footlocker, inviting...

..temptation and weakness.
I took your $ 62, Wykowski,
returned the empty wallet to its place.

I did it to teach you a lesson, instead...
..l got submarined.
Epstein, are you such
a goddamn ignorant fool...

:43:59 take the blame for something
you were innocent of?
