Biloxi Blues

This is death shit we're talkin' about.
Why in hell did you put back money
you knew you didn't take?

Because I knew you did. I saw you take it.
Inventing a crime that didn't exist
to enforce your theories of discipline...

:45:17 Neanderthal in its conception.
You may be the first man to reach Berlin
cos I'm sending you in before everyone.

Men do not face enemy guns because
they've been treated with kindness.

I don't want them human.
I want them obedient!

I'm tryin' to save those boys' lives,
you crawlin' bookworm.

Stand in my way,...
..l'll pulverise ya into chicken droppings!
You know, I don't get you, Epstein.
- Why do a dumb-ass thing like that?
- What's the difference?

I knew he took the money
and I knew I'd end up cleaning latrines.

Thought I'd save everybody some time.
Yeah, well, uh,...
..anyway, I owe you one.
You stuck your neck out for us,
and I like to pay back my debts.

Hey, listen, it's not gonna come out again,
so take your chance while you got it.

Let's not be hypocritical.
I did what I did for me, not for you.
You know what? I'm not gonna make
any more Jew cracks at you, Epstein,...

..cos you are a shit-heel
no matter what you are!

Let's go, Roy.
Why is it that we come from the same
background but I can't understand you?
