Biloxi Blues

Hey, don't blow smoke on me.
I'll stink from tobacco.

Stop worryin'.
Nothin' can penetrate that Aqua velva.

Hey, Carney, are you goin'...
to Selridge's place?

Yeah, sure, why not? What about you?
Maybe. Thought I'd look around first,
see if I can meet a nice girl.

No chance. There's 14,000 GIs
on leave in Biloxi...

..and only 12 Catholic giris,
all handcuffed to nuns.

Why don't you come with us?
This isn't your first time, is it?
I mean, you've done it before, right?
Yeah, sure. Are you kidding?
Five or six times.

Well, if you did it before,...
..why are you doing it again?
What do you mean?
You're kidding me, right?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm kiddin'. I'm kiddin'.
Couldn't you tell?
Looks like a bad day to fall in love.
Let's get some ice cream
before we go to the place.

All right.
- They're not bad.
- If you wait your turn, you'll be too old.
