Born at the geographical center
of the universe...
...125th Street and Lenox Avenue.
I saw him at the Apollo
and I had to have him with us.
Not just because
he brings us luck. No!
But because while the Lord didn't
see it fit to give him no pigment...
...He made up for it by endowing him
with the spiritual inheritance...
...of Jefferson and Broonzy.
And now, without further ado,
I bring to you...
...AIbino Red!
I play at your wedding,
you play at mine.
It's all over town
It's all over town
No more messin' with that sucker, baby
'Cause I'll have to
Have to shoot him down
This is great. One more chorus.
Give you all my money
Don't keep nothing back for me
Took my 50 dollars
Went to buy some grocery
What happened after that?
The next thing I knew
You were shacked up with Henry Lee
No, not Henry! No!