
What you're really asking is...
:37:05 come when I'm supposed
to hit at 9:30, I hit at 9:30?

How can I land on a cat I love
as much as I love you...

...and then fire his ass
for showing up late or stoned?

Why I can hold a group together?
Why I'm a leader?

That's what I'm asking.
Because they don't expect me to be.
Because, deep down, they like it
if the nigger turns out unreliable.

Because that's the way
they think it's supposed to be.

And because I won't give them
the satisfaction of being right.

Here we are.
I'm a reformer,
you trying to be a martyr.

They always remember
the martyrs longer.

They gonna talk about you
when you're dead, Bird.

More than they do now.
They gonna shovel you under
like they love to do.

They gonna talk about you.
My secret.
My secret is, if they kill me...
:38:19 won't be because I helped them.
