Excuse me.
Col. Cooke would like to see you
before you leave.
What's the problem?
He found out you're going to Hong Kong.
He wants to talk to you about it.
Tell him I'll be right there
after I take a shower.
But I'll have to wait, sir.
What's taking so long, Captain?
Where's Dux?
He was at the gym, like you said.
He took a shower,
I waited, and he disappeared.
What do you mean, disappeared?
One minute he's there, then gone.
Jesus Christ!
If anything happens to Dux in Hong Kong...
Get Helmer and Rawlins
on this right away.
And I don't want to see your face again
until Dux is beside it!
How is he?
He's resting now.
He'll be so happy to see you.
It's so good to be here again.
I'll tell him you are here.
Thank you.