We got fighters from all over.
I've been assigned by the IFAA...
...to help you
and the other North American fighters...
...to find your way around.
I'm gonna make sure
you guys give it your best.
And don't disqualify by fighting
outside the arena.
The Triad, they are like the Mafia...
...is allowing us
to hold kumite here this time.
Here it comes, man, the Walled City.
Not a place for outsiders.
You are in Hong Kong.
But you are about to cross
an invisible border into mainland China.
No joke, man.
It's a run-down piece of no-mars-land...
...in the middle of a tourist paradise.
It goes back to the old lease agreement
between Great Britain and China.
Once you step out of the sunlight
into the narrow corridors...
...it's time to protect your nuts, guys.
Okay, USA!
"Okay, USA!"