Bull Durham

Who's that?
That's Crash Davis.
Hey, Crash, come here.

Get over here.
He's kinda cute.
He's played in more ballparks
than l have.

Hell of a guy.
He's really different.
l actually saw him read a book
without pictures once.

- Hi, Max.
- How you doing?

Come over and sit down.
l'm Crash.
Annie Savoy.
Wanna dance?

l don't dance.
How embarrassing.
What is that?
Who's he dancing with?
All of them, l think.
You Annie Savoy?
Thanks for your note. You're right.
l wasn't bending my back.

You have a live arm there.
Ebby Calvin LaLoosh.
You need a nickname, honey.
l've been telling
everybody that.

- You wanna dance?
- Yeah.

She's dancing with me.
'Fraid not, pal.
You boys gonna fight
over little ol' me?

- No.
- Let's go.

Step outside and party, man.
Don't be such guys.
Max, let's dance.
You comin' or not, homeboy?
