Bull Durham

Yeah, maybe you're right.
Welcome to the Eastern Seaboard
Tobacco Growers...

City Council Little League
Cash Drop Day.

These young fellas-- young men,
l should say-- over here to my left.

Hi, 18. Hi, 12.
Hey, Dino.
Hey, Millie.
Hey. l'm Millie.
l'm married.
What is that?
Chicken bone cross.
Takes the curse off the bat
that brings me hits.

What are you,
a goddamn witch?

Yes, a switch-hitting witch.
Will that work for me?
lf you believe in voodoo.
Jose, l am zero for 16.
A big fucking
doughnut hole for 16.

l can't remember the last time
l had a base hit.

Let me have
some of that stuff.

That is not belief.
That's desperation.

Jose, come on.
Just touch my bat once.

Come on, just once. l won't
bother you the rest of the day.

l swear to God.
Just touch the bat once.

Ladies and gentlemen,
five, four...

three, two, one.
Let it go!
One thousand big ones!
That batter ain't nothin'.
Come on, Nuke.
