You've been pitching
on the wrong side of your brain.
This will help put things
on the right side.
Big-league pitchers
don't use these.
They did when they were
in the Carolina League.
Nuke, excuse me.
Time to go to work.
All right.
Bye, y'all.
Gimme a break.
Go get 'em, boys!
Hit 'em where they ain't.
She may get woolly
Young girls
they do get woolly
'Cause of all the stress
When they get woolly
Try a little tenderness
Stop it.
Thank you.
lt's not "woolly."
Nobody gets "woolly."
Women get "weary."
They don't get "woolly."
Nobody's got "stress,"
they're wearing a "dress."
Damn, l hate people
that get the words wrong.
How come you don't like me?
You don't respect yourself,
which is your problem.
But you don't respect the game,
and that's my problem.
- You got a gift.
- What do l got?
You got a gift. When you were
a baby, the gods reached down...
and turned your right arm
into a thunderbolt.
You got a Hall-of-Fame arm,
but you're pissing it away.
l ain't pissing nothing away.
l got a Porsche already.
l got a 9-11,
with a quadraphonic Blaupunkt.
You don't need
a quadraphonic Blaupunkt.
What you need is a curveball.
ln the Show, everybody
can hit a fastball.
How would you know?