You've been in the majors?
Yeah, l've been in the majors.
You were?
You've been in the Show?
Yeah, l was in the Show.
l was in the Show
for 21 days once.
Twenty-one greatest days
of my life.
You never handle your luggage
in the Show.
Somebody else
carries your bags.
lt's great.
You hit white balls
for batting practice.
Ballparks are like cathedrals.
The hotels
all have room service.
The women all have
long legs and brains.
They're really hot?
Yeah, and so are the pitchers.
They throw ungodly breaking stuff
in the Show.
Exploding sliders.
You could be one of those guys.
Nuke could be one of those guys,
but you don't give a fuck, Meat.
l am sick and fuckin' tired of you
calling me Meat.
You wanna step outside?
Yeah, l'll step outside.
What's the problem?
What's happening?
l was just gonna ask Crash to show me
how to throw a breaking ball.
Good idea.
Did anybody bring a ball?