Bull Durham

Ninety-six miles an hour.
He looks good...

but why is he all
twisting up like that?

He's using his parietal eye,
just like Fernando.

That was a humdinger.
Fastball again?
Why's he want the heat?

l just threw heat.
Don't think, Meat.

Just give 'em the gas.
Jesus, what's got into Nuke?
He's wearing garters...
and he's breathing out of his eyelids
like a lava lizard.

lt's an old Mayan deal.
- Aztec.
- Aztec deal.

Got it!
l got it!
Way to go. Hustle in!
Have my mojo working.
You know what a mojo is?
- Sure.
- No, you don't.

l was great, huh?
Your fastball was up.
Your curveball was hanging.

ln the Show,
they would have ripped you.

Can't you even let me
enjoy the moment?

The moment's over.
Come on, Crash.
This guy starts me off
with a breaking ball...

l'm taking him downtown.
l dare you
to throw me the hammer.

You ain't that stupid.
Stepping up to the plate
for Durham, our own Crash Davis.

Come on. Put your hands
together for Crash.

Let's hear it!
Let's go.
Come on, Meat.
Bring me that weak-ass shit.
