
- Crap.
- Bullshit!

- Who wants a drink?
- Who wants a drink?

More poets! More poets!
More poets! More poets!

We want more!
All right!
- Yes!
- Yeah, man!

All right, Brian!
- You want poets?
- Yes, we do!

- You want poets?
- Yeah!

I am the world's
last barman poet.

Give us a kiss,
you sexy beast!

Go for it.
I see America drinking...
the fabulous cocktails I make.
America's getting stinking
on something I stir or shake.

- The Sex on the Beach...
- Yeah!

the schnapps
made from peach...

the Velvet Hammer,
the Alabama Slammer.

I make things with juice and froth...
- the Pink Squirrel, the
Three-Toed Sloth. - Make me one!

I make drinks
so sweet and snazzy...

the Iced Tea, the Kamikaze.
The Orgasm.
Hands off the merchandise!
The Death Spasm.
- The Singapore Sling, the Ding-a-ling.
- Ding-a-ling?

America, you're just devoted...
to every flavor I've got.
Oh, baby!
But if you want to get loaded...
why don't you just order a shot?
Bar's open!
