You wanna look at pussy
or learn about this job? Which is it?
You heard the one about the two bulls?
Not yet.
Not yet, huh?
These two bulls are sittin' on a knoll
overlookin' a herd of Guernseys,...
...and the baby bull says "Hey, Pop, let's
run down and fuck one of those cows."
But the papa bull says "No, Son."
"Let's walk down."
"Fuck 'em all."
(dispatcher) Unit 15,
what is your location?
- When d'you get outta jail?
- (chuckles) What?
I could put a word in with Parole.
- What's your name?
- Louisa.
Hi, Danny.
So you get time off for good behaviour?
You ever go out with a cop?
You don't like cops, do you?
- No what?
- No sale. Let's go.
Yeah, sure.
I will be back.
I really love... your coffee, Louisa.