I got no more money.
I'm down to my stolen credit cards.
Can I use them?
One moment. I'll connect you.
What do you got?
On the Black Cat, not much.
I'm not getting any help. No leads yet.
What do you mean, no leads?
You got the crime and the F.I. Reports?
"At approximately 11:30 p. m.,
Thursday, March 19...
"the Black Cat bar on Sunset and Vendome
was held up by two male Mexicans.
"They wore silk stockings to disguise
their faces, carried large revolvers. "
How do you know they were Mexicans?
- They spoke with Mexican accents.
- To each other?
- I didn't ask.
- There's your first lead.
"Questioned two white males outside
residency, 2269 Tracy Street. "
"They were drinking vodka and sitting
on top of a late model Camaro...
"license, blah, blah, blah. "
These go to Bunko, not Robbery, Homicide.
"Explained the car was not theirs
but that they lived in the house.
"Partner and I searched them, clean.
"Got hot call before we could
run warrant check. "
Check these files, Lieutenant.
Sorry about that.
You know, it's really a shame...
when I know a neighborhood
better than the beat cops who patrol it.
When I was a kid, 2269 Tracy Street
was a halfway house for ex-cons.
We used to call it "Gangster Manor. "
It's been abandoned for years...
and this guy says he lives there?
There's your second lead, all right?
I was gonna hit this place in Hollywood
until I seen what was inside.
Heavy shit went down in there, man.
Like something out of a Peckinpah movie.
You better send some cops right away to
Aloha Regency, Apartment B.
You got some heavy shit
on your hands, man.
Are you presently at the scene of the crime?
This is Sergeant Hopkins.
I want that call on 2-5.
Scotty, that one's mine.
You're gonna go to the Black Cat bar,
you're gonna check with the bartender...
see if those guys spoke Spanish, all right?
- Not English with Mexican accents. Spanish.
- Spanish.
Okay. Go to 2269 Tracy,
see what you can find there.
Run to the DMV,
run a check on the Camaro...
check with R&I, see if you can find out
anything about the owner.
- You like it?
- I like it.
- Then why are you still standing here?
- Right.
You back again?
This guy's back again.
He's running a scholarship.