Just tell her we were bowling.
- Let me take the driver.
- You got it.
- Set?
- Now.
Police! Don't move or you're dead.
Put your hands on the dashboard.
You, too, sweetheart.
Get them on the dashboard.
What the hell's going on?
Are you guys crazy?
Where's your Mexican accent, pal?
You only use it in bars?
I'm gonna open this door real slow...
and you're gonna get out real slow.
You got that?
- I got it, cop.
- Okay, move.
- Hey! What the hell's going on out there?
- Jesus Christ.
Dutch, you all right?
Get this piece of shit off you.
Take it easy. You've been hit? Were you hit?
Damn it. How did this happen?
You all right?
I must be getting old. Fell for that one.
Knocked the wind right out of me.
- You okay, then?
- Yeah.
Stay right here.
You can get out now.
It's okay. It's all over.
Is what's- his-name dead?
What's- his-name?
You don't know his name?
I just met him tonight,
I'm a little bad with names.
Well, I'm pretty good with them.
What's yours?
Sarah Smith.
Sarah, the bad news is what's- his-name
over there is expired.
The good news is...
if you go in that Ford and wait just a
few minutes, I could drive you home.
You mean, and I won't be involved
with any of this?
Like it never happened. Okay?
- Okay.
- Okay.
This will help at the shooting board.
Dutch, you tired?
I'm okay. Why?
I thought maybe you could stick around
and handle the details.
I'll call for the ambulance
and backup units...
in case some of the neighbors
get freaked out.
You see what I mean about big tits?
Come on, Dutch.
You blow away a broad's date...
the least you can do is
drive her home, right?