I'm trying to spare you the police station.
So, please tell me, what do you do now?
It's illegal.
Lady, if it has nothing
to do with this murder, I couldn't care less.
I deal Quaaludes and I fuck selected
older men who don't want to get involved.
I think you're right. Maybe we should go
someplace else and talk.
I thought the papers said
she was found dead, presumably...
strangled by a burglar who panicked.
No, it was a story we gave out to the media
to keep them disinterested. So far, so good.
What I need from you
is to tell me all you can about Julia...
including what these sex ads were about.
Look, there was nothing wrong or illegal
in anything that we...
I don't give a shit if the two of you were
fucking each other in a bathtub of cocaine.
All I care about is stopping this maniac
before he kills again.
Do you understand?
- Yeah.
- So?
Well, we first met, of all places,
in the public library.
I was returning some books,
and she was taking out a whole stack, and...
I noticed they were all about sex...
so I made a friendly comment
and we got to talking and...
she told me she was doing research
for a book that she was writing.
I told her, being the voice of experience,
I might be able to help.
In what way?
I have this gig going.
It's kind of a scam.
But, I do floating swingers' parties.
See, I know some realtors
who are pretty big heavyweights, and...
I score dope for them, and in exchange...
they let me sublease these really
primo pads while the owner's out of town.
But, for what?
Well, then I place an ad,
and for $200 a couple...
they get to swing and dance and eat,
drugs, light show, all that stuff.
Anyway, Julia says she's interested.
Not to fuck, but to observe for her research.
I tell her, "You can't hassle people,
paying that kind of bread. " Right?
She comes up with the idea
that she'll pay the couple's admission...
and in exchange, she'll get to observe
them and interview them.
I let her use my P.O. Box,
and that's how come the ad.
Do you know anyone she was seeing
she might have had a beef with?
No, but she said that she thought there was
someone that was following her for a while.
Black, white? Short, tall?